The PN2907A, MMBT2907A, and PZT2907A are 60 V PNP bipolar transistors designed for use as a general purpose amplifier or switch in applications that require up to 500 mA. Offered in an ultra-small surface-mount package (SOT-223), the PZT2907A is ideal for space constrained systems. The NPN complementary types are the PN2222A, MMBT2222A, and PZT2222A; respectively.
- Collector-Base Voltage (VCBO): 60V
- Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCEO Max): 60V
- Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage: 1.6V
- Continuous Collector Current: 600mA
- DC Current Gain (hFE Max): 300
- Emitter-Base Voltage (VEBO): 5V
- Gain Bandwidth Product (fT): 200MHz
- Package/Case: SOT-23-3
- RoHS Compliant: Yes
The MMBT2907A is ideal for low-power amplification and switching applications. It features an epitaxial planar die construction and is fully RoHS compliant.
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