A1SHB SI2301 is a P Channel Mosfet in a SOT-23 package. It’s a MOSFET with a power rating of 1.25 watts and a voltage rating of 2.5 volts. It has a ±8 VDC Gate to Source Voltage and a 1.5 to 2.3A Drain Current.
- Model: SI2301
- Drain-Source Voltage (VDS): 20V
- Gate-Source Voltage (VGS): ±8V
- Continuous Drain Current: 2.3A to 1.5A
- Pulsed Drain Current: 10A
- Continuous Source Current: 1.6A
- Operating Temperature -55°C~150°C
- Package TO-23
- Marking A1SHB
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